After the hell of the past couple of months I am once again working--yet another book! (#31, I think!) The Hangman's Noose takes place in Ireland, a country that I have been to once, but am planning to visit in March. So far the story is showing itself to be in line with my earlier books that have to do with gods and goddesses, witches and mysticism. Maybe somewhat along the lines of my very first series, Wolfmoon.
I won't reveal more than this because there is a big mystery and a bunch of back story and in all honesty I don't know where the story is going! I have mentioned before that I'm a pantser (someone who doesn't outline or plan my stories) But I do have a cover already:

I LOVE this cover! What does it say to you? I see a lot of themes brewing in the imagery, and the noose is a big offers a clue. Mercury is in retrograde at the moment so not much work has been done...I think I've made it up to chapter 4 so far...characters are revealing themselves and the unfolding story is hinted at. But where will it take me? I love not knowing!
If you are a writer what is it that inspires your stories? I love designing the covers--not that I do the work, but I find imagery that I like and then talk with my designer about what I'm thinking. We work well together. If you need someone great and you like my book covers, this designer is on Fiverr and goes by the name Kozakura. Once I have a cover I can kind of see the trajectory of the story...I am an artist too so it helps my imagination with general real planning, just vague rumblings.
Writing is a mysterious process. I have noticed that when I try and tell someone about what I'm working on, the correct wordage does not come, nor can I repeat a sentence I've just written...writing comes from a different part of the brain and isn't linked to the part we use for talking. So being a storyteller does not necessarily make you a good writer! It's fascinating to me and I always wonder where the ideas come from. The prologue for this one just came to me out of the blue! And then a loose idea for a story...
Writing keeps my mind active and is my outlet for the secret world that lives inside me--it is filled with animals, mystical creatures and worlds not entirely like this one). I write on substack and medium as well but those are usually rants about how I'm feeling regarding politics! Now I'm trying to steer away from's too negative and I found myself in a dark hole of depression. I managed to climb out, but I don't want to fall into it again!
What does writing do for you? what are your reasons for writing? There are as many reasons as there are writers, I would imagine. We all have our secret lives and the unique things that interest us.
Stay tuned as I think I may be using this blog to write down tips I might have gleaned in the twenty years I've been at this...questions and responses are very welcome!
Thank you for reading!